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Saturday July 23, 2022

Daily Horoscope

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Though things are likely to be complicated today at work, it is an opportune time to set things in motion with your boss in order to get on the track that is best for your career. Be sure you do not buy into the stresses of co-workers due to situations they are facing. Remember, you are not the one to sort out their life at the same time just to get your own job done.


Communication lines are likely to be taken very directly, so be sure to think things through before speaking your mind. Much of your day is likely to be occupied by meetings and/or important phone calls. This is an excellent time to state your concerns in a diplomatic fashion.


An excellent opportunity is presented at work to discuss changes that are required due to ongoing complications, but remember to remain diplomatic in the delivery. A short trip with that special someone leads to unexpected celebration, so make the most of the opportunity to attend. This is the time to set solid boundaries for yourself, so be sure to think things through carefully before moving forward.


This is an excellent time to look at expanding your horizons, especially regarding boundaries that you have almost given up on. Take advantage of the quality time you have available to you after a stressful period, but remember to keep the boundaries in place, as you are likely to be called upon by members of your social circle to interrupt said quality time.


A caution from one close to you is best heeded regarding your current state of stress, as you may not recognize the impact at this point. Your primary focus today is on your own boundaries regarding your personal goals, so be sure to take these into consideration when time is requested of you to help others.


Now is the time for action, so take the time to get things straight in your own head and organize the next steps on paper before proceeding further. This is an excellent time to put boundaries in place that you are personally content with. A long-overdue discussion with your boss sets the stage for positive change in your career.


Be sure to double check all information before making a final decision. With the input of that special someone comes a greater understanding of your combined values, so make the most of the information available to you in order to get on the track that is best for both of you. Surprising information comes to light today regarding one close to you, resulting in a celebration in the near future.


This is an excellent time to talk to your boss about changes you feel are necessary at this time. With new information coming to light regarding your current position at work, you are encouraged to open a conversation with your boss regarding your current and future obligations. This is a good time to focus on the expansion of your material holdings, so be sure to plan them out properly before indulging.


Take advantage of this opportunity to relax with those close to you, as this will almost certainly strengthen your bond. Your energy level is likely to be running very high today, thus bringing productivity levels to a better standard. It is imperative you focus on the goals you have personally laid out for yourself, thus setting the stage for much higher prosperity.  


With new information coming to light regarding the path you are currently on, you are able to put the negative aspects to rest and move forward, but remember to remain true to yourself as a priority. Conflicts amongst those in your social circle may lead to a change in membership. Remember, it is not your job to sort out their differences; only to maintain peace in your vicinity.


Your mind is likely to be reeling today, so be sure to take the time to think things through before getting started. Now is an excellent time to focus on planning your next steps out at least in point form on paper in order to stay on the path that you feel is best for you. With new contracts coming to light, you are encouraged to double check the fine print, as things are not as clear cut as you are being led to believe.


News from a great distance brings cause for celebration right to your doorstep. Simultaneously, this is likely to bring your focus back to a long-dormant project that is ready to be worked on. By focusing on your own goals at this time, you are likely to make a lot better headway than you are expecting. Your focus is likely to be on the energy flow in your primary living space today.