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True Psychics Blog - Psychic Scam!
By Psychic Richard

Afterlife experience
Psychic Scam
Mind, Body & Soul
Dream Interpretation
Paranormal Experiences
Past, Present & Future!

September 21, 2016
I spoke with a person several weeks back and it is still bothering me. 

Since I have this platform at that enables me to communicate some of my personal thoughts and experiences with you… this was one I just had to bring to your attention.

The person who I had spoken too told me that they had given over a $1,000.00 to a psychic for a spell. The spell was supposedly going to bring their lover back. When I was told this I felt angry. I couldn’t believe somebody could do this to another person. It is such a dishonest thing to do.

The people who do that sort of thing are not psychics. They are con artists and they give good psychics a bad name. 

Never give a psychic more money than the designated price for the time that you spend with them. Do research, check prices and make an educated decision. Money spent on magic spells, potions or charms is money down the toilet. You will end up feeling bitter and hurt.  

If a psychic asks you for “extra money” or to borrow money just walk away.  

When you’re having difficulty with life or problems with other people, stop - and ask the universe for help and clarity. It has never failed me. 

Wishing you love and good health. Richard

Psychic Richard

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