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Monday September 19, 2022

Daily Horoscope

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Take the time to plan the next stages in your life path out at least in point form before embarking further on your journey. Today provides an excellent opportunity to get back on the path that is best for you. When approached by one who looks up to you regarding a complicated situation they are facing, take the time to hear them out before adding your input, as they may just simply need a sounding board.


Pay close attention to the fine print of a message that reaches you from a great distance, bringing with it promise of prosperity. There is likely more to the situation than is clearly indicated. This is a time of extremes, so do your best to organize your day before getting carried away. With emotions running very high, it is imperative you think very clearly before stating your opinion regarding a delicate situation.


When a quiet period is reached, take the time to guide one who looks up to you on their journey towards prosperity. This is an excellent time to enhance your bonding and provide experiential guidance in order to assist them avoiding your former pitfalls. Communication is likely to be a little scrambled today, especially when involving technology.


As new information comes to light through a conversation with one close to you, you are able to gain better bearing on the required steps to improvements in your primary living space. You are likely to find your mental acuity running very high at this time, making this an opportune period to seriously plan for the next stages of your life.


Though your energy is undoubtedly running high at this time, you may find you have little patience for delays. This said, take the time to plan the next steps in your project out at least in point form in order to make what you consider proper headway towards their completion. The return of a connection from long ago brings focus to a long-dormant project


Your primary focus at this time is personal healing, including the arrangement of energy flow around your primary living and/or workspace. The impromptu input of a stranger gets you seriously thinking about your level of education and how it may impact on your future. It is likely to take a combined effort between you and those close to you to reorganize the material belongings in your primary living space. However, the trade off is a much more effective thinking pattern.


When things get complicated at work, be sure to point people in the direction of the proper people in a position of authority. When situations get complicated at work, it is imperative you focus on the things you have personal control over. An impromptu meeting with your boss sets the stage to have your voice heard properly regarding your concerns of the current situation.


An unexpected reunion brings celebration to your home as past misunderstandings are put to rest. Your heart is likely to lead the majority of your decisions at this time, so be sure you think things through before reacting. This is an excellent opportunity to talk to that special someone about your plans for the future, especially if you are not content with your current source of income.


Now is the time to talk to your boss and/or partner regarding the possibility of expanding your reach into the marketplace. With new financial records coming to your attention, you are likely to find yourself in a far better state to make adequate choices. Make the most of the opportunity to share your current situation with those close to you, as this is an excellent opportunity for bonding and sharing often forgotten tools.  


You are likely to find most of your time spent in complicated meetings and/or phone calls at this point. With this in mind, take the time to think things through and get your ideas on paper at least in point form before beginning. An unexpected meeting with a person of authority leads to a complicated revelation regarding your current path.


A complicated situation on the home front leads to an impromptu family meeting. This is the time to really lay out a combined plan to streamline the future operation of your primary living space. Forgotten information is brought to light during a conversation with a co-worker, thus prompting you to refocus your attention on a long-dormant project.


Keep in mind, he does have final say. A new door opens through a conversation with one who looks up to you, so make the most of the available time to bond with them. An interesting conversation with that special someone brings to mind forgotten information revealed in a recent dreamscape. This is clearly the time to focus on possibilities and opportunities thus revealed.