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Be aware of your own personal boundaries, as it is critical for your success that you keep your own goals as a priority. This is a time of clear communication, so make the most of an opportunity to have your voice properly heard and acted upon when called into an impromptu meeting at work. Communication lines are likely to be somewhat compromised today, so be sure to think things through carefully before committing to a new course of action.
With the return of a long-absent member of your close social circle, almost forgotten emotions are brought back to the surface. It is imperative you remain true to yourself regarding your own boundaries at this point. An interesting turn of events leads you into a conversation with that special someone regarding the path of your combined future.
This is your time to shine, so be certain to make the most of the opportunity to relax with those who look up to you, as this is also an excellent time for bonding. Communication is the key factor at this point, so be sure to think things through before adding your input into a delicate conversation. This is the time to really focus on the goals you personally have set in motion, so be sure to plan things out properly at least in point form before embarking on a new project.
Make the most of the quality time with and unsolicited assistance from one who looks up to you in order to embark on a new joint project, thus drawing you closer together. A reconnection with a person from your long-distant past brings cause for celebration as forgotten and/or hidden information is brought to light.
Make the most of the opportunity to relax with that special someone when time permits, as you may find your tendency of pushing your own energy levels is detrimental at this point. Today is surely a day of extremes, so make the most of the added drive you are feeling at this time. When faced with complicated images from the dreamscape, it is wise to talk to one versed in symbology.
Interesting correspondence from management sets the stage for a probable promotion, though it is up to you to accept it in order to put things in place. A short trip with those close to you creates a great opportunity for communication lines, thus putting a major misunderstanding to rest once and for all. Now is the time to set the stage for a positive shift in your current life path, so be sure to think things through carefully before embarking on a new project.
A challenging situation draws you into a discussion with one close to you regarding a change in the atmosphere in which you are living. This may be a simple wardrobe modification. When looking at major purchases today, be certain to double check the extent of your finances in order to avoid overextension.
When confronted with a complicated situation on the home front, make the most of the opportunity to discuss in detail with those involved just how best to set things back on the right track. Make the most of the quiet time when it becomes available to plan your thoughts out on paper once again to ensure you are on the right path for you.
Today is almost certain to find you right smack in the middle of the spotlight, so take advantage of the insight you are presented with. With half-forgotten information coming to the surface due to a conversation with a virtual stranger, your attention to a long-dormant project is brought back to light. Make the most of the opportunity to talk to your boss about changes you see taking place amongst staff.
This is clearly the time to put the negative past to rest and get your thoughts at least in point form before embarking upon a new project. With the added input of a virtual stranger, you are finally able to see the true benefit of a self-directed enhanced education. This is the time to really clear the excess clutter out of the arteries of your primary living space in order to increase your energy flow and subsequent physical drive.
Take the time to think things through before turning to a person of authority regarding a misunderstanding. Quiet communication is likely all that is required to put things to rest. With new information coming to light, you are finally able to put the negative past behind you with someone close to you with whom you have been forced into separation.
When things get complicated at work due to technological issues, you are encouraged to find a new way to get your point across to those who are in a position to work with it. Most of your focus at this time is sure to be on the changes you have already set in motion in your material world and the clutter therein. A chance encounter with a long-missing member of your social circle gets you thinking of the potential benefit of actually taking a long-overdue holiday.