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It is imperative at this time you remain true to yourself in order to make the most of the opportunity. With the focus on the material world, you are finally able to start bringing things into balance in the way you personally desire, but remember to include that special someone in your plans. Energy is running extremely high at this time, pulling you in multiple directions.
However; be sure you do not over extend yourself at this time. Your focus at this time is almost certain to be on the feel of the material world and the energy you pick up around it. This is a good time to dispose of the excess clutter that you no longer require. Be aware of the draw of your social circle to pull you away from your own goals.
Forgotten information comes to light during the sorting of old paperwork. Be sure to make note of the stuff that is emotionally important to you. This is the time to really set your sights on attaining your own goals. Be sure to listen to the whole situation when approached by one who looks up to you, as there is likely more going on than either you are they are currently aware of.
Your material world is the primary concern at this point, so be sure you do not discard stuff of sentimental value while clearing out the clutter. This is the time to really focus on the way you're feeling as it relates to other people. It is imperative you remember to take control of your own life, as you are the only one who can be successful for you.
A conversation with a stranger sheds new light on a situation you have been facing at work. This is the time to really focus on the goals that you have and to clear the negative energy out of your life. A conversation with that special someone brings things into balance for you in a way you are not expecting. This is your time to shine, so make the most of the opportunity when drawn into the spotlight at work.
This is a great time to get things accomplished, as you have the added drive and energy to make it happen. As unexpected information comes to light, a long-dormant project is brought back into focus. This is a good time to talk to those close to you regarding assistance in tying these projects off. Your energy is running high today, drawing you into a complicated situation in your social circle.
Do your best to stay focused on the task at hand. A new addition to your social circle leads to the discovery of skills you forgot you have. This is the time to explore new venues that you were unaware of. A quiet conversation with your boss leads to a potential shift in your job description and a possible promotion in the near future. Be sure to take a step back and ground yourself when emotional conflicts arise around you.
An unplanned visit at work gets you thinking of the potential for the future, especially regarding education. Now is your time to shine, as the material upgrade is possible. Take the time to think things through before setting out in a new direction. The input of that special someone brings clarity to your thoughts regarding your future, though it is up to you to make the necessary changes in your life to make this happen.
Quality time with those in your house stabilizes the environment and the feeling of your home. Your energy is running very high today, so be clear with your communication, especially when dealing with a person of authority. Patience may be difficult to maintain at this time, but doing things one step at a time will help.
You may find it beneficial to put your current task on hold for a moment in order to attend, as there is more positive news coming your direction. Remember to plan things out tonight with that special someone to be implemented tomorrow, as there is a lot to be done. Quality time spent with those close to you tonight is likely to produce far better results than you are expecting.
This is a good time to relax and make the most of the social gathering. Be aware of temper spikes due to proximity of agitated people today. This is a good time to plan for the future you desire, but remember to talk to that special someone about said future before making concrete plans. The feeling of the energy flow in your primary living and/or workspace is of the utmost importance today.
Be careful in choosing who you are going to get to assist, as your instincts will guide you to the one that is best able to help you in a way that you can accept. Long-dormant plans for a holiday come back to the surface through a conversation with that special someone. In addition, you are likely to go through a great deal of introspection regarding your education.