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Saturday May 18, 2024

Daily Horoscope

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This is the time to get very clear regarding what you desire for you. A lot of your energy is likely to be spent on correcting the flow within your primary working and/or living space. Your energy is likely to be pulled in multiple directions at this time, so be sure to organize your thoughts first. Be aware that proximity to people may create an imbalance in your emotional state, so stay focused on the goals that are most important to you.                                                                           


This is the time to really think in terms of where you desire your life to be heading and make adjustments accordingly. A quiet conversation with that special someone leads to plans for travel in the near future. Forgotten information is brought to the forefront of your mind through an impromptu conversation with a stranger. This is a good time to focus on projects long set aside.                                                                          


By the end of the day, you are finally able to put your feet up and relax. Communication is likely to be direct and to the point today, so be aware of your levels of frustration, especially at work. This is not the time for ultimatums. A quiet conversation with your boss regarding the state of your work leads to a clearer understanding and a decisive choice in your future.                                                                  


The truth is bound to come out today, but with emotions running high, it may be difficult to deal with. A revelation comes to light during a quiet conversation with that special someone, leading you to a definitive choice regarding future steps. Organization is your key today, so be sure to focus on that before you get started. Be sure to include that special someone in your upcoming plans, as you may have more support than you are expecting.                                                                               


Your energy is likely to run high at this point. However, a diplomatic request will yield far better results than a demand. The real lesson today will be patience, especially when it comes to the speed that other people are responding to your requests. When pulled in multiple directions at work, take time to think before speaking to your boss about the priorities of your own job at this time.                                                                        


Quiet time is likely to be necessary throughout the day from time to time, as your ability to sense what others are feeling may compromise your emotional stability. Remember, dealing with people a little at a time will make it easier to focus on the goals you are trying to attain. Unexpected insight is brought to you today through a conversation with that special someone, so make the most of the added insight to get focused on the goals you personally have.                                                                


Major changes are set to take place around you as you outgrow members of your social circle. Your energy is running very high at this stage, so make the most of it as your material world starts to shift. You are sure to find that reorganizing the clutter in your primary living space and workspace today eliminates a lot of the stress and confusion around you.                                                                    


As forgotten information comes to light, your ability to organize your primary living and workspace becomes of paramount concern. With unexpected changes at work, you may find yourself drawn into the middle of a conflict that is not yours to sort out. This is the time to redirect the parties in question to the person whose job it is to sort it out.                                                      


This is a great time to relax. Though you are likely to be somewhat scattered today, the use of paper to organize your thoughts and priorities is likely to be far more beneficial than you are expecting. This is your time to shine, so step into the spotlight and make the most of it, especially when called into an unexpected meeting.                                                                             


This is a good time to talk to your boss about the goals you personally have for the future of your job, as well as your education. Remember, remain true to yourself first. This is the time to get organized regarding your own goals, both long-term and short-term. With new information coming to light through a conversation with a stranger, you are finally able to put the negative past to rest.                            


This is the time to set solid boundaries in place that you are content with. This will help in staying focused as well. Complications in communication are likely today, especially where technology is involved. This is clearly the time to brace for unexpected outcomes. It is best to think in terms of functionally speaking, worst-case scenarios.                                                             


News from a great distance, leads to celebration in the near future. Due to forgotten information coming to light, it is time to celebrate. This is a great time for gathering with your social circle in a unified form. Guidance from a stranger helps you reassess your current lot in life, giving you clear direction, but it is up to you to do the work to make this happen.