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Sunday May 15, 2022

Daily Horoscope

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Good news reaches you from a great distance, setting the stage for travel in the near future, though it is up to you to do the work necessary to make this happen. Forgotten memories come to light due to an unexpected nap or quiet time during the day. This is the time to focus on the goals you have for the future and thereby set things in motion to make them happen.


A new piece of information coming to light through work sets the stage for a major shift in the profitability of your career. This is a good time to talk to your boss about that future you desire to create. An unexpected opportunity at work puts you directly into the spotlight, thereby setting the stage for a potential promotion and clearly increase profitability.


Work is likely to be very hectic today due to staffing problems and communication issues, especially where technology is concerned. With this in mind, it is imperative that you take things one step at a time. By the end of the day, you are sure to find you actually have time to put your feet up. Make the most of the opportunity, but be sure to set your plans out for the next day, as it is likely to be just as hectic.


With new insight coming to light, you are finally able to put the negative past to rest if you choose to do so. Hurt feelings are likely to cause complications at work today, so be sure you do not buy into complications that are not directly yours. Quality time spent with that special someone is likely to result in a very positive outcome, thus setting the stage for celebration in the near future.


Unexpected assistance from one close to you helps to complete a longstanding project, though in a surprising fashion. You may find your early evening interrupted by an unexpected visit from a member of your social circle requiring immediate assistance. Be sure you do not overextend yourself beyond your ability to cope.


Today is about healing and putting your negative past behind you. It is imperative to get things organized early in your own head in order to accomplish your own goals. The majority of your attention is likely to be on the material world and streamlining the flow of energy in your primary living and/or working space. A quiet conversation with that special someone gets you thinking about the future in a brand-new way.


New insights brought to you through a conversation with that special someone gets you thinking of your combined future in a very positive fashion. Remember to stay focused on your goals for the future and plan tomorrow out before calling it a night. Relaxation is likely to come to you today once your major projects are completed.


With the added help of those close to you, you are able to tie off a longstanding project, thus setting the stage for a very bright tomorrow. Remember to take time out to relax today, as you may find you've pushed yourself very far. The majority of your attention today is likely to be spent focusing on the career and the path it is currently traveling.


With energy running so high today, it is imperative you guide it in the right direction. Take the time to plan your day out before getting started on it, as you are likely to find yourself pulled in far too many directions at the same time. As the truth comes to light, you are likely to find your social circle shifts gears as some of them leave to make room for new additions that are in line with your thought process.


Most of the focus of your spare time today will be spent interacting with those in your social circle. This is your time to shine, so make the most of the opportunity as you guide those in your social circle to a new path. With the added input of a stranger, you are able to see a much clearer path upon which to tread. When situations shift at work, it is imperative you talk to your boss about the plans you personally have for the future and thus work out a way to attain them between you.


Your social circle is likely to be very demanding today as you are pulled in multiple directions at the same time. This is the time for you to shine, so step into the spotlight, especially at work where reorganization is a concern. Quality time spent with those that look up to you is likely to result in far greater benefits than you are expecting. With this in mind, when offered the opportunity to work later into the evening, it is likely in your best interest to turn the opportunity down.


A complicated situation at work draws you right in the middle of the spotlight of a situation that is not yours to deal with. Be sure to think clearly before adding your two cents, as your input may exacerbate the problem. Be certain to take time out with that special someone to just relax, as this is likely to be required due to the stress of your current situation. The evening brings quality time with those close to you, so make the most of the opportunity as it arises.