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Sunday May 12, 2024

Daily Horoscope

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Today is a day of extremes, including energy levels. Make the most of this added drive to get things accomplished that have been sitting for too long. With emotional barriers somewhat compromised, you may find your temper is somewhat out of control, so think before speaking or acting. The truth is sure to come out today, though it may not come out in an expected fashion. Subtlety is not likely your strong suit at this time.                                                                           


Quality time spent with that special someone draws a detailed discussion on where your future is heading. This is a great time to discuss your own concerns without either of you buying into the stress. When one who looks up to you approaches you with a problem, let them finish their explanation before adding your input, as there is more going on than you are currently aware of. This is the time to focus on the feeling of your material world.                                                                          


With organizational drive running high, this is a good time to start the process of removing excess clutter from the arteries of your primary living space. The majority of your energy today will likely be spent on the feel of your material world. This is a good time to pick your priorities and subsequently enforce them.                                                                  


The input of a stranger during a stressful situation at work helps distract you enough to let the negative side of your life go by, at least temporarily. The assistance of those close to you helps correct the energy flow in your material world. This is a good time to focus on joint efforts. A new opportunity opens at work today, setting the stage for a possible shift in job-related obligations.                                                                               


This is a great day to get started on tying off loose ends. A conversation with that special someone draws you closer together, heading toward celebration. A message from a great distance gets you thinking of long-lost connections. Now is the time to reach out in an amicable fashion. This is the time to really begin moving forward, leaving the negative past behind.                                                                        


The truth is sure to come out today during a conversation with those in your social circle as hidden information comes to light regarding a shift in the cohesion of the group. This is not the time to pick sides, so much as to stand your ground on your own beliefs. With new information coming to light, it is imperative that you stay focused on your own task at hand in order to get things completed.                                                                


Communication is set to be very hectic today, but very liberating. This is a great time to plan tomorrow in a positive fashion. A new doorway opens through an impromptu conversation with your boss, setting the stage for a very positive change in your work environment. A new opportunity is presented to you to change your job description yet maintain your employment.                                                                    


An impromptu conversation with a person of authority gets you looking more clearly at your own future goals and how to go about attaining them. It is imperative you find a balance between work and home at this time, as there is a lot of change taking place in both. New insights come to light through a daytime vision that may leave you scratching your head.                                                      


A challenging situation at work leads to an impromptu staff meeting. Opinions stated at this time may be more complicated than you were expecting. Do not buy into the added confusion that goes with it. With the truth coming too light, you are able to put past complications at home to rest, thus setting the stage for a much brighter tomorrow.                                                                             


A quiet conversation with those close to you gets you thinking of changes you have been putting off in your primary living space. This is the time to focus on the order in which you desire to make changes, and then set about doing so. A challenging situation at work may create complications in the social connections therein.                            


As new information comes to light, you are able to see a much brighter future and the path to get there. This is the time to really put the negative past to rest while focusing on the positive things you desire to accomplish. Remember, very little is impossible. Quality time with that special someone draws you closer than you have been in a very long time as communication lines finally come into balance.                                                             


Be sure to get your goals on paper in order to stay focused, as you are likely to complete your tasks more readily if you stay focused. A short trip with that special someone draws you far closer than you have been in a very long time. This is a time to celebrate, as the answer you seek is presented to you in a way you are not expecting.