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Wednesday March 20, 2024

Daily Horoscope

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As the day progresses, you are likely to find time to relax with that special someone, but it is up to you to ensure you get that time. The atmosphere in your home takes on a whole new feel late in the day as excess garbage is finally disposed of. With new information coming to light, you are able to plan for a celebration that is long overdue. By the end of the day, you are finally able to relax and put your feet up.                                                                


This is your time to shine, so step into the spotlight and make the most of the opportunity to do so. A conversation with a co-worker gets you thinking about your current path in life. Think carefully before making severe adjustments. During your time away from work, you're likely to find your social circle very active.                                                            


When dealing with a person of authority today, it is imperative you stick to the quantifiable facts, and do not strive to protect those who have made miscalculations. Remember, miscalculations can be worked with, deception, not so much so. The truth will come out today, though it may not come out in the form you are expecting. When your heart and your head are in conflict, follow your heart, but use your head to get there.                                                       


It is likely you will be caught in many conversations today and unexpected meetings. Be sure to take notes during said meetings in order to keep things organized for the coming weeks. Increased energy enables you to get a lot more accomplished than you are expecting, though do not expect others to keep up with you. Unexpected company arrives on your doorstep shortly after work is done.                                                           


A quiet conversation with your boss comes at just the right time to set the stage for a brighter tomorrow. A minor complication with a co-worker can be easily rectified if you acknowledge your part of the situation as well as there's and remain diplomatic. An unexpected conversation with one close to you sets your sights on a future that is extremely bright. This is your time to put your priorities in place to ensure they coincide with that special someone.                                                        


Be sure to make the most of the opportunity to put your feet up when it is presented. You are likely to find your energy runs very high and long into the evening. This may be cause for celebration, so make the most of the time you have with that special someone. Remember, this is a good time to pay attention to the details of a project you are nearing the completion of. New contracts arrive late in the day, setting the stage for a new project.                                                    


An unexpected conversation gets you thinking much more clearly regarding the path your career is on, so take the time to plan things out on paper before making a decision. Your energy is likely running very high today, and thus your mind may be pulled in more directions than you're ready for. It is imperative today to keep your own priorities in place.                                                            


Spontaneous adjustments are imperative when working on a longstanding project as hidden information is brought to light very late in the game. The majority of your time is sure to be focused on your work or career, but remember, talk to that special someone about the plans you are considering before putting things in motion.                                            


Make the most of the opportunity to truly put your feet up once the hectic period of your day is complete.  Forgotten information comes to light through an interesting discussion with one close to you.  This is your time to put the negative past to rest once and for all.  An interesting turn of events in upper management sets the stage for a potential promotion.                                                              


This is a good time for planning your future, but remember to do so on paper. With unexpected insight coming through a stranger, you may find that a conversation with your boss is long overdue, but remarkably productive today, but remain diplomatic where it comes to your intended future. By the end of the day, you are able to focus your attention on altering the energy of your home, and thus spend quality time with that special someone.                                                             


With your energy running as high as it is, you may find it difficult to slow down and keep pace with others. Don't even bother, unless it is required by your job. A shift in your focus in education or research is likely to open new doors of investigation you are not expecting. This will in essence bring about a new sense of excitement around life. By the end of the day, it is time to put your feet up, but find something to do to slow your mind down in order to get a decent night's sleep.                                                 


This is a good day to reassess the path you have been following, especially in spiritual terms. With the input of a stranger comes clarity regarding your current personal path, but double check the facts, as they may not be as clear cut as you are being led to believe. Direct and diplomatic communication is imperative to stabilize your home, so make the most of the opportunity to do so.