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Tuesday June 20, 2023

Daily Horoscope

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Today really is all about you and the changes you have already set in motion. This is the time to take a chance and really put the boundaries in place that you personally are content with. Clear communication is to be the key regarding whether or not you have a successful day. Boundaries you set in motion at this time are the ones that are likely to govern the direction your home life is going at this time.


This is the right time to talk to that special someone about the goals you personally have for your combined future, as you may find you are more on the same page than you are expecting. A relaxing night with those close to you is sure to draw you closer together, thus setting the stage for a very enjoyable future.


Before committing to a new position at work, be sure to talk to that special someone about your plans and the impact this may have on those around you. By the end of the day, you are finally able to put the negative past to rest, so put your feet up when possible. As forgotten information is brought to light through unexpected sources, you are likely to find yourself involved in a renewed project, thus setting the stage for new levels of prosperity.


This is your time to focus on your chosen family. This may not be your bloodline. Be sure to initiate activities designed to draw you closer together. This is certainly a time of extremes, so make the most of the opportunity to prioritize your projects for the day, as you may find energy fluctuations are rather pronounced.


With new information coming to light, you are finally able to put the negative past to rest and tie off a longstanding project. This is the time to set your own goals on paper and make a solid plan for your future. A longstanding project is brought back to light during a conversation with that special someone.


Today focuses on the feeling around the primary living space and those close to you, so make the most of the time you have available. With your energy running rather high, this is a good time to clear the excess clutter out of the way, thus opening the home for a better energy flow. When faced with a complicated decision, take the time to think things through, and remember (especially where contracts are involved), check the fine print.


An interesting turn of events at work sets the stage for you to push for a change in job description, thereby opening the door to a much brighter tomorrow; but it is up to you to take dominant control of the opportunity before you. Major change is likely in the offing today, so be prepared to change course of direction at a moment’s notice, especially in your primary living space.


A shift in your education, likely through work, is set to improve your income potential, as well as a likely promotion. With forgotten information coming to light through a conversation with a stranger, you are likely to find your energy and focus for the future are enhanced today. This is a great time to really focus on the goals you have and share them with those close to you.    


Sagittarius With a little added effort, you are able to tie off a longstanding project, so make the most of the assistance offered to you, as this is likely to make this easier. As the end of the day approaches, you are finally able to put your feet up and relax, so make the most of the opportunity to do so. Though your energy is sure to be running high today, the majority of your focus is likely to be on your own goals.    


Quality time spent with those close to you leads to a much closer connection whilst opening the door to creative organization. Communication from a connection long separated due to circumstance (not fallout) comes to you from a great distance. This is the time to put the negative past to rest once and for all.  


Unexpected information reaching you from a great distance puts your mind on solid ground regarding the future you desire to co-create. With added insights brought to you through a dream, you are finally able to see the path that is best for you. By the end of the day, you are finally able to put your feet up, though it may be necessary to draw solid boundaries in order to make this happen.


When dealing with a person of authority, be sure to stick to the quantifiable facts of the matter. An interesting opportunity is presented to you today from a great distance regarding a potentially profitable project, but be sure to check the fine print before signing any agreements. Forgotten information is likely to come to light through a dream state, though it is likely to show up in a very unorthodox fashion.