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Wednesday July 17, 2024

Daily Horoscope

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Though you are likely to find yourself pulled in multiple directions, it will be through concerted effort that you stay focused on the task at hand and the goals that you have laid out for you. An increase in activity within your social circle is likely to take up much of your spare time today. However, it is imperative you remember that your job has to take a priority seating at this time.                                                                                        


An unexpected shift in workload sets the stage for a very positive change in your working environment, so take advantage in the upswing as new opportunities are presented to you. This is the right time to talk to that special someone about the goals you personally have for your future, as you may find you are more on the same page than you are expecting.                                                                                        


Communication from a great distance brings mixed emotions as information from the past is finally brought to bear. The truth is sure to come out today, which may cause some conflicts among your social circle. With concepts hitting you from many directions, it is imperative you remain true to yourself. This becomes even more apparent when dealing with co-workers on the worksite.                                                                            


When unexpected company encourages you to spend time with them, it is best to draw your boundaries and stick with the plan at hand. This is the time to focus on you and the goals you have set out, though discussion with that special someone is likely to rekindle interest in a long-dormant project.                                                                                                 


Today is set for major change in your material world, so take the time to dispose of excess clutter that no longer serves you. As you are likely pulled in multiple directions at the same time, it is critical you take a period to break in order to spend quality time with that special someone. By the end of the day, you are finally able to put your feet up and relax, so do your best to do so.                                                                                          


When offered a questionably worded apology, do your best to accept it, as the energy behind it is legitimate. As the truth is sure to come out, though likely not in the fashion you are expecting, it is imperative you think first before speaking on a delicate matter regarding those around you. Celebratory news from a great distance brings an unexpected smile to your face, and likely a mild sense of relief.                                                                                 


As new contracts come to your attention, pay close attention to the fine print in order to ensure they are doing what you require. Remember, today really is about you, so stand your ground where it comes to obligations that must be met. This is the time to be diplomatic yet forceful, especially when dealing with a co-worker.                                                                        


Take the time to plan things out before getting started on your day, as this will help counteract the added energy you are dealing with. A conversation with members of your social circle may result in some conflict as the unfiltered truth comes clear in an impromptu discussion. The real challenge for you at this time is to avoid taking responsibility for others’ reactions.                                                                     


You may find stress levels a little high amongst your social circle today, as there is more change taking place than you are expecting. Be sure to stick to the quantifiable facts when dealing with a person of authority, especially if communication seems somewhat compromised. Work is likely to be very hectic at this time, so be sure to put boundaries in place, even with your boss.                                                                                        


Though unexpected correspondence is likely to bring necessary tasks to light, be sure to place them in proper priority.  Organization is the key to success at this time. A quiet discussion with that special someone gets you thinking of the future in a very positive fashion as plans for a long-overdue holiday are put in place.                                              


An interesting conversation with one who looks up to you draws you to clearer understanding of your own self-worth. It is critical you take the time to organize your day before embarking on a new project.  This is especially true when dealing with finances, as you may not be at your mental best.                                                                              


Handled correctly, communication at this point is likely to lead to resolution instead of resignation. As the truth comes clear today, organization becomes critical, so take the time to put your boundaries in place and stand your ground on the ones that mean the most to you. An impromptu conversation with a stranger gets you thinking of your current career path.