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Sunday January 22, 2023

Daily Horoscope

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When offered the chance to work longer hours, it may well be in your best interest to turn it down, as there may be far more going on at home that requires your attention. Take advantage of the quiet time you have available with that special someone in order to lay out the next steps of your life path. This is an excellent opportunity to really go over your own long-term goals and priorities.


When offered the chance to work longer hours, it may well be in your best interest to turn it down, as there may be far more going on at home that requires your attention. Take advantage of the quiet time you have available with that special someone in order to lay out the next steps of your life path. This is an excellent opportunity to really go over your own long-term goals and priorities.


Take the time to consider all opportunities when drawn into an impromptu conversation with your boss. An unexpected shift in management situations sets the stage for a potential promotion. This is your chance to really reclaim control over the direction your career is heading in. An unexpected windfall sets the stage for a major purchase.


An interesting situation at work brought about by technological complications presents you with the opportunity to show yourself and others what you are capable of. The unexpected arrival of correspondence from a longstanding contact brings cause for celebration and an invitation for a potential reunion.


Unexpected news coming from a great distance is likely to bring a sense of sorrow. However, do your best to find a positive light in the situation, as (though hidden) there is one. Be sure to stick to the quantifiable facts of the situation and not your feelings about it. An interesting opportunity is presented to you late in the day, so be sure to double check the fine print before agreeing to a new contract or agreement.


Take advantage of the opportunity to spend quality time with one who looks up to you, especially if they have been neglected the last little while, as this is an excellent bonding opportunity. This is a time of great healing as you redefine your place in the world. Be sure to organize the next steps of your life at least in point form, as you are likely to be pulled in multiple directions at the same time.


Quality time spent with those who look up to you provides an excellent opportunity for enhanced bonding, so make the most of the chance to do so. An interesting conversation with a member of your social circle gets you thinking seriously about the potential impact of a self-directed education.


When approached by one who looks up to you regarding a personal complication on their end, be sure to listen to their situation before adding your input, as it may be easier to sort through than either of you are expecting. Take the time to talk to that special someone about your concerns and plans for the future, as this is an excellent time to ensure you are both on the same page.  


Be sure to plan things out at least in point form regarding topics you feel are necessary to discuss when pulled into a complicated meeting at work. This is an excellent opportunity to actually plan out the future you desire to co-create, so be sure to talk things over with that special someone to ensure you are both on the same path.    


When approached by a co-worker and/or employee regarding a potential joint venture, it may very well be in your best interest to put serious thoughts behind it. But be sure to double check the fine print on the proposed agreement and/or contract. News reaching you from a great distance via correspondence finally puts your stress levels in certain areas to a complete rest.


The long-awaited time to clear the excess clutter out of your life has arrived, so make the most of the opportunity to do so. The return of an almost forgotten connection into your life brings about cause for celebration and sets the stage for a potential holiday and reunion. When offered the opportunity to start a joint venture with a member of your social circle, it may be time to seriously consider it, as the opportunity may be even bigger than either of you are expecting.


A short-term project late in the day with one who looks up to you provides an excellent opportunity for further bonding and thus promoting a much closer relationship. This is the time to focus on the energy flow in your material world. Take advantage of the available assistance to clear the excess clutter out of the main arteries of your primary living environment in order to increase your energy levels and sense of self.