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Friday January 21, 2022

Daily Horoscope

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Take the time to think things through regarding your future. This is the time for clear and honest discussion with that special someone. Today is sure to be hectic as your social circle places unexpected demands on your time. This is the time to really organize your time properly in order to juggle all the extra expectations you have for yourself.


Be aware that communication may be compromised, leading to misunderstandings. As the truth comes to light, you are guided to a new path to a more prosperous tomorrow. A project set on hold long ago is finally ready to be rekindled. This is a time of extremes, so make the most of the time you have with those special to you. A clearer view of your future is gifted to you through a dream, though it may require some assistance to interpret adequately. Major changes around work set in motion long ago finally start to come to fruition.


You may find yourself inordinately scattered today, as communication gets very complicated, especially in the use of technology. When conflicted opinions arise, it is necessary for you to take a step back and put yourself outside the circle of conversation. When one that looks up to you approaches you with a complication, listen intently before offering insight. This is a good time to heal the conflict between you. Energy is sure to be running very high today, so take advantage of the added drive.


This is a good time to heal past hurts by bringing the actual truth to light. It is likely wise to delay reorganizing today, as your logical brain is likely to be taking a vacation. When requested to work late today, it is likely in your best interest to turn the opportunity down, as there are more pressing matters taking place at home.


This is a great time to put the negative past to rest and really plan that trip you have been putting off. When confronted by a person of authority, it is critical that you remain diplomatic and stick to the quantifiable facts as you know them to be. Though you may be somewhat delayed getting started with your day today, you are still likely to be more productive in the long run than you have been in quite a while. With the negative past finally put to rest, you are able to see a way to a brighter future.


Your focus is clearly on the home front today as new information comes to light regarding where those close to you desire to head with their life. A conversation with a loved one draws you closer to that person than you are expecting. This sets the stage for a very bright evening and cause for celebration. Take the time to think things through before committing to a new path, especially where contracts are concerned. As the end of the day approaches, it is time to put your feet up and relax.


A longstanding project is finally in a position to be tied off. Make the most of the opportunity and the assistance that is available to you at this time. Emotions are likely to be running high today, though this is a good thing, especially on the home front. A long-overdue apology finally comes to you in a surprising fashion. This is the time to finally let the past go.


A conversation with a gifted contact helps you clearly see the potential meanings of a dream. It is still up to you to choose which path you are following. This is a good day to finish off a longstanding project, especially at work. Take the time to talk to your boss about the future you desire to forge, as you may get better results than you are planning on.   


This is a time of extremes, so make the most of the added insight that is brought to you through a dream. A conversation you were not planning on comes at just the right time to clear up a major misunderstanding. As the truth comes to light, it is up to you to hold your composure, though this may be difficult given some of the complications. Quality time spent with that special someone sets the stage for you to really focus on what you desire for the future, but remember, you are not the only one involved.


This is a time for you to really put boundaries in place regarding what you are expecting, especially in your social circle. Take the time to talk to those close to you about your goals and about potential pastimes that you would like to get involved in. A surprise visit leads to a holiday you are not expecting, but that is long overdue.


With the assistance of those gifted in your social circle, you are finally able to put the negative past to rest and put your feet up to relax. A clearer understanding is reached between you and that special someone, drawing the two of you closer together than you have been a long time. Your gifted side comes too light today and is pushed into the spotlight.


You are likely to find it easy to organize your thoughts today, so take the time to get plans on paper in order to make the most of the time you've got available. Work is likely to be challenging as you see miscalculations being made that could be catastrophic if not brought to your boss's attention. This is your opportunity to step into the spotlight and prove to yourself that you are capable of doing what others have told you you're capable of.