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Previous Horoscopes
Double check new information coming to light. It may not be as honest as you're led to believe. Trust your instinct when integrity is brought to mind regarding someone close to you. This is a good time for renovation regarding both material stuff and mental process. Remember to weigh the pros and cons, preferably in physical form, before acting on a life changing path. Your material world takes an interesting boost when restoration is made due to a past wrong.
A surprisingly development through a stranger may bring chaos to your social life. Remember to stay true to your own values. You are likely to find you have more energy to work with today than you're used to. Take advantage of this added drive, but do your best not to expect others to keep up with you; although you may find a Taurian close to you matching pace, if not outdistancing you. Diplomacy may not be your strong suit today, so take the time to think before going in to talk to your boss.
When your social circle infringes on the rest of your life, be sure to set boundaries that you are content with. A new opportunity at work may bring questions to your mind regarding management procedures. Remember, diplomacy is critical at this time when dealing with work. Emotions in your social circle may get a little extreme as a member voices an alteration in their feelings towards you.
Remember, no means no. Your emotions may be running rather high today, so be sure to think first before speaking. Alterations in your diet today are not an excuse for alterations in your speech or actions. Taking the time to discuss work with that special someone may be a good way to balance emotions at this time.
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Potentially contrary to your belief, you are not necessarily the one in charge at work. Take the time to formulate your reasoning before addressing your boss with a change in procedure that you feel is necessary. Remember, your boss may be that special someone at home if you own your own company. This is a good time to find balance between the two.
A surprising revelation may alter your view of someone closer to you, not necessarily in a good way. Be sure to remain true to you when making your final decision on how to deal with the situation. This is a time to re-examine current contracts and policies, especially at work. By the end of the day, you are likely to see the path that you desire to be on.
A balance between home and work is likely to drop your stress level rather drastically. This is a good time to reassess your balance between work, home, and social life. Overindulgence at this time could complicate your future; be cautious. When offered a chance to work longer hours, it may be in your best interest regarding your home to turn the opportunity down.
The truth comes out regarding your current career path. Hidden information comes to light, which may make your question said path. Input from your social circle adds information to help you make a decision, but the decision must be yours. A stable analytical approach to the decision-making process may make this decision easier. The truth will come out regarding your feelings about the current path that you are considering. Ultimately, the final decision must be yours.
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Today is a day of extremes, so be very cautious about your emotions. Do not let someone in close proximity push your buttons too far, as your temper could come to light at an inopportune time. Unacceptable demands on your boss may need to be called, but be diplomatic. A shift in thinking with the assistance of one close to you helps you see the brighter side of a complicated situation if you let it.
Lessons may be harsh today as the truth comes out about those in your new social circle. Stand your ground on your own principles regardless of other people's view, unless you are dealing with authority. This is a good time to plan on major purchases in the coming months, but think it through logically and put it on paper. A confrontation with a stranger sheds new light on your outlook on your home life. Information coming to you through your dreams puts clarity to your viewpoint of work.
This is a great time for new beginnings for you. Honesty with those closest to you is imperative in making the final changes to your life path. Now is the time to reassess your education level and the impact that enhancing it will have on your home life. Do not cast aside your current employment without a replacement income. A rash decision at this time would be detrimental to your material well-being.
Remember, even emotions have an analytical component to them; it's just different than logic. This may be the time to seek additional outside help when dealing with an emotional stress point. Input from a stranger gives you a new view on a current situation, enabling you to finally put some concerns to rest. This is a good time to look to the future as a new beginning, but remember the future is now. Delays in decisions, once all the information is in, are not necessarily beneficial.
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