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Saturday February 18, 2023

Daily Horoscope

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It is wise to seek the input of one you trust regarding your impending decision before committing to it. An unexpected shift in financial availability sets the stage to prepare for a long-overdue holiday which is likely to lead to a reunion. The added energy you are feeling at this time is almost certain to provide an excellent door by which to tie off loose ends from a longstanding project.


This provides an excellent opportunity to talk to your boss and/or partner about the changes you desire to see take place in your career path. An unexpected shift with management at work sets the stage for a potential promotion along with the realization of where you desire to go with your career.


Make the most of the quality time available to spend with those in your social circle, as this is likely to provide an excellent opportunity for bonding. Forgotten information is brought to light during a verbal exploration of past endeavors. A long-dormant project is brought to light during this discussion, thereby encouraging the completion of many steps towards its fulfillment.


Correspondence from a great distance denotes celebration and sets the stage for a possible reunion. This is an excellent time to plan that long-overdue holiday with those close to you, thus drawing everything into a much clearer perspective. With mental acuity running high, this is an excellent time to get your thoughts on paper regarding changes you personally feel are necessary in your current life.


When offered the opportunity to relax with that special someone, it may be wise to take them up on it. You are likely to be drawn into multiple meetings and/or business related phone calls today, so be sure to stay focused on your own priorities and goals in the case of each one. This is an excellent time to reassess the path you have been following and thereby get back on the path that you feel is best for you.


You are likely to find you get a lot more accomplished today than you are expecting, so make the most of the opportunity to do so. Make the most of the opportunity to relax with those close to you once the hectic period is complete. This is an excellent time to discuss changes in the energy flow in your primary living space, thus leading to an increase in available energy.


With the unsolicited assistance of a member of your social circle, you are able to finally find a way around a complicated block in a project you have been working on for some time. A challenging situation draws you into a discussion with one close to you regarding a change in the atmosphere in which you are living.


This is an excellent time to reassess your own priorities and career path. Make the most of the time to relax with those close to you when things have slowed down. The introduction of a new member to the social circle of one who looks up to you provides an excellent opportunity for bonding. This is the time to really focus on the shifts in the material world that you have personally put in motion.  


Be aware that though your energy levels are running high, others may not be able to keep up, so keep this in mind when pushing for results. An interesting turn of events sets the stage for a major positive shift in your own life direction. It is almost imperative you plan out the next stages of your life at least in point form, as things are moving very quickly around you.    


This is an excellent time to plan the expansion into the material world of the company you are currently involved with. With mental acuity running very high at this time, it is an excellent chance to double check your finances to ensure you are on the right track. Be aware of the impact of changes you are implementing in your current material world, as this is likely to have a far greater impact than you are expecting.


An unexpected windfall provides the support required to partially facilitate an expansion you have been planning on for quite a while. This is clearly a time of extremes, especially on the emotional side, so be sure to think carefully before adding your input into a delicate conversation. The interesting evolution of a longstanding conversation sets the stage to finally tie off loose ends around a project from your primary living space.


With forgotten information being brought back to light due to a conversation with a virtual stranger, you are likely to find your interest in an almost dormant project brought back to the surface of your mind. Make the most of the opportunity to step into the light and talk to your boss and/or partner about changes you feel will be beneficial to the company’s reach into the material world.