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Tuesday December 20, 2022

Daily Horoscope

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It may be wise to track down someone versed in understanding the imagery in dreams, as new information coming to light through the dreamscape gets you thinking seriously about changes that you desire to personally make in your own life. This is an excellent time to talk to that special someone about your thoughts on a combined future, as shifts in your perception may be causing some confusion for you.


With a shift in focus on the work front, this is an excellent time to talk to your boss and/or partner about the direction your career is going and the goals that you see as beneficial. Make the most of the opportunity as it is presented to you to talk to your boss about changes that you feel would be beneficial to reach into the global material world.


Take the time to think things through before committing to a new path in life, as there is much change taking place at this time. Make the most of the opportunity to relax with those in your social circle, as you are likely to get a lot more accomplished than you are expecting. This is an excellent time to truly reassess the life path you are currently on to ensure you attain the goals you personally see as a priority.


When things get complicated between members of your social circle, it is imperative that you remember that this is not your fight to solve, only to suggest equal options for resolution. An interesting shift in the energy around your primary living space may lead to either a mutual move or major renovations.


An interesting piece of correspondence leads to plans for a long-overdue reunion and celebration. Take the time to think things through before committing to a change in life path, especially when it involves others around you. It is imperative you double check the fine print on all contracts and/or agreements you are considering at this time.


Make the most of a quiet meeting with those in your social circle, as this is likely to set the stage for a very financially profitable joint venture. When things get complicated at work, you are drawn into a complicated meeting with your boss. Keep in mind this is a time for creative thinking, not just logical analysis.


Today is more about the feeling of what is going on around you than the physical organization of it. With this in mind, it is a good time to reorganize your priorities to ensure things are happening in the order you desire them to. Make the most of the opportunity to relax with that special someone once the truly hectic period of the day is complete.


A chance encounter with a member of your social circle leads to an unexpected invitation for celebration and relaxation once the hectic period of the day is complete. It will be wise at this point to include that special someone, as things may work out a lot better than you are expecting. Make the most of the opportunity to relax with that special someone in order to draw the two of you closer together than you have been in a very long time.  


An interesting shift in perspective brought to light through a conversation with a co-worker gets you thinking of the potential impact of an enhanced, self-directed education. Emotions are likely to be brought back to the surface today as the truth about a longstanding misconception comes to light through a trusted source.    


A quiet conversation with one trained in finances is almost imperative in order to ensure you are on the right track for your own personal goals; but remember, when striving to do something, talk to somebody who has successfully done it first. Make the most of the unsolicited assistance in clearing through old clutter, thus tying off longstanding projects.


This is your time to shine, so make the most of the opportunity to do so, especially with that special someone once the hectic period of the day has settled down. This is a time of extremes, and mentally speaking, extreme focus. Be sure to organize your day at least in point form before beginning the next leg of your journey, as you are almost certain to get a lot more accomplished than you are expecting.


A hectic day is ahead of you when dealing with people in your social circle, as there is a lot more to accomplish than you are expecting. Be careful to consider your own situation before reaching out to assist others that may not require it as much as they claim. An intriguing situation at work draws you into the spotlight when dealing with misinformation regarding deliveries.