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Saturday December 17, 2022

Daily Horoscope

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When dealing with a person of authority, it is critical you stick to the quantifiable facts of the situation, as there is more going on than you may be aware of. Make the most of the opportunity when things slow down at work to consider the direction your career is heading in, especially regarding whether you are personally content with it.


This is your time to shine, so be sure to share the goals you have for your combined future with that special someone. When approached by one who looks up to you, take the time to hear their entire concern before adding your insight, as they may well have the answer to their own question right there in front of them.


Make the most of the opportunity to reassess the life path you are currently on and ensure you are heading towards the goals you have personally set for yourself. Due to emotional upheaval, you may find yourself pulled in multiple directions at once. Take the time to talk to one who is not emotionally invested in the situation you are dealing with in order to help get your head on straight before confronting the other individuals involved.


Make the most of this opportunity to have your concerns and/or goals properly listened to and/or acted upon. Unexpected complications at the worksite get you thinking about necessary upgrades and the potential impact they may have on your reach into the material world and your subsequent profitability lines.


A complicated situation arising at work between co-workers and/or employees leads to a necessary meeting where boundaries must be restated or reinstalled. This is an excellent time for communication, as your mental acuity is likely to be extremely clear. Make the most of the opportunity to talk to those in your social circle about a potential joint venture that is likely to be financially profitable for all of you.


A cooperative effort with those in your social circle leads to a potentially profitable joint venture. Be sure to take the time to look things over regarding existing workloads in order to clear the debt so you have room for new ventures. A challenging situation at work draws you into a conversation with your boss and/or partner regarding policy shifts that may be necessary to put you back on a functional track.


This is also your chance to add guidelines on how to draw staff and members of your social circle into closer balance. A quiet walk with that special someone is likely to provide an excellent opportunity for bonding whilst bringing positive memories from your earlier connection back to the surface of your mind.


The majority of your focus right now is sure to be on business, and much of your time will likely be spent in serious phone calls and/or business meetings; so be sure to think things through before adding to the discussion at hand, as the truth is almost certain to come out, though it may not come out in the fashion you are expecting.  


Make the most of the opportunity to talk to that special someone about your goals for the future, especially as they are likely to have a direct impact on your combined future. When drawn into an impromptu meeting at work, make the most of the opportunity to have your concerns and ideas properly heard and acted upon where it comes to potential changes in company policy.    


When approached by an emotional connection from your past, you may find your emotions get the better of you, so think carefully before speaking, as tempers are likely to flare. This is an excellent time to really assess the path your life is currently on and ensure you make the necessary adjustments to accommodate it.


Be sure to remain true to yourself throughout this transitional period. When dealing with a person of import, it is imperative you stick to the quantifiable facts of the situation as well as your own emotions. As emotions are likely to be running very high at this point, be sure to think carefully before responding to an emotionally charged question from one close to you.


Remember, it is critical to include that special someone in your plans for the future, as they are almost certain to have a direct impact on your combined future. When approached by one who looks up to you, be sure to listen to the entire situation they are striving to convey, as they may well have the answer to their own dilemma and not realize it.