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True Psychics Blog - What is meant to be?
By Psychic Keith

Afterlife experience
Karmic Law
Mind, Body & Soul
Dream Interpretation
Paranormal Experiences
Past, Present & Future!

January 5, 2017
There is a common thread I hear from peoples around the world.

“if it is meant to be, it will happen!”

Simply put, in my opinion this is a major misinterpretation of the situation.  The primary reason for this is the issue of “Free Will”.  The above statement seems to indicate that no matter what you choose to do, things will happen the way they are already planned out.  IF this is the case, then you no longer have even reasonable Free Will as no matter what you do, the outcome will be the same.  Sure this situation indicates that you can choose how you get there, but that is about all.

Granted, I have over-simplified the concept, but this is the gist of it.

From my observations, the most common use of the term concept “if it is meant to be, it will happen,” is to make oneself feel better about not knowing how to correct a given situation.  With this in mind. There are a few different categories to look at.


They are NOT meant to happen.  Sometimes, there is a very strong past-life influence that draws you together, but it is up to the two of you to CHOOSE whether or not you are going to co-create a working relationship this time around.  More often than not though, there is simply something about the two people in the relationship that makes the potential of the relationship all but non-existent.

My purpose is to help you discover if there is anything that can be done to help the relationship, or if it is more effective for YOU to just let it pass.

Material purchases are NOT meant to happen.  This is a matter of organizing your finances and prioritizing the way to handle them.

My task is the assist you in finding the best way to make this happen.

Health issues are NOT meant to happen.  Health is often a case of will power and knowledge.  This is often a case of combining modern medicine and Spiritual Healing.

My task is to enlighten you on the options open to you, and to help you cope with the ones that are beyond your control to alter.

When you contact me, ALL of these questions and more, I will readily guide you through.  My methods are often unorthodox, and I am very direct in my approach to things.  However, I will be honest with you, regardless of what is politically correct.

To be clear, the ONLY thing I will guarantee (unless I state otherwise at the specific time I am talking to you), is that “I will NOT lie to you to make you feel better.”

I look forward to guiding you in the near future.

 Respectfully Yours Keith

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