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True Psychics Blog - A Time Of Change... Careful What You Wish For
By Psychic Franco

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January 18, 2017
Have you ever found yourself praying or wishing for something you have desired for a long time, and for some reason, what you are praying, or wishing for just will not come true. Have you wondered why, and then you give up completely, saying to yourself “my prayers are never answered, or why make a wish, it will never come true.”

As a psychic, I must confess, I am always asking myself why something that I have long desired prayed or wished for has not yet come true. I have spent a considerable amount of time thinking about this and have come to understand that our dreams, prayers or wishes can’t come true unless it is the right time for us. When is it the right time you ask? That is very simple, when we are ready? There is a saying the more things change the more they stay the same. When you have been doing something for a long time you become comfortable, it becomes routine so, doing something new or in a different way seems impossible so it just does not happen. Putting it simply, people are afraid of change. I ask you to consider this when you desire something, or you are praying and wishing for something, you are in fact asking for a change to happen something within you is ready for it do not be afraid.

The serenity prayer says God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

On January 21st we will end a period of uncertainty and enter into the sign of Aquarius. (Jan 21- Feb 20) For me this is always an interesting time. It is a time of acceptance and accountability. It is a time to look at your own life and see the results of the work that you have done over the year that just past and accept it. After all you can’t change what has past you can make a difference in the future being careful with your dreams, prayers, thoughts, and wishes today.

A lot of people who come to psychics says they do not believe in the astrology or energy, or the signs, they just want to know when things are going to change or get better or when will they have what they are wishing for? I believe that people avoid talking of astrology or energy or the signs because it all has to do with their own behavior and actions which means that they are in control of their destiny for some this is a hard reality to face especially if someone feels that they are always making mistakes. It is okay to talk to a psychic or an astrologer to make sure that you are on the right path for your life. Whatever advice you are given it is still you who make the choice on your life’s direction. And remember there is no shame in making mistakes some of the most successful people of the past and present day have been successful because they have learned from their mistakes.

Finally, if you are feeling unsure of yourself or the year ahead it is okay to give yourself more time to figure it all out no matter what you decide. One way or another life has a way of working out so, if you do not know what to do yet do not sweat it, change or transitioning to something new takes time so, be patient. Promise yourself that you will be careful what you wish for.

May the blessings of peace and prosperity be with you in this year 2017.

Peace be with you all.

Psychic Franco

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