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True Psychics Blog - Step Forward, Move Back or Stand Still
By Psychic Franco

A voice From Beyond
Karmic Law
Mind, Body & Soul
Dream Interpretation
Paranormal Experiences
Past, Present & Future!

February 28, 2017
Just this past Sunday my mother called me to tell me that she had a wedding invitation for me. The wedding is in May 2017. I love weddings and I am for sure going to attend and I am sure to enjoy the day. It will be good to see and celebrate what love has done with family and friends. I am mentioning the wedding and the invitation because I have to make a choice to bring a guest or go it alone.

The other day a friend of mine sent me an email asking what she should do because work was in short supply and she had bills to pay not to mention the rent was due in a few days. The weather man says that the weather is nice today but more snow is on the way, do I pack up my scarf and gloves and replace them with a pair of shades and sandals?

Questions like these are rolling through my mind and in the minds of others waiting for answers. In time I am sure all questions will answered and the best possible solutions to situations will be put forward and life will go on.

Welcome to the energy of Pisces. How long are we in the energy of Pisces? From February 21 to March 20. First of all, for those of you who have birthday during this time I say Happy birthday and Happy New Year and I wish you all the best in the year ahead.

For the next thirty days all of us regardless of our birth signs will be affected by the energy of Pisces and for some of us this could be a good thing or a bad thing. For me, the time spent in Pisces is about not jumping to the obvious conclusion in a situation. The energy of Pisces is about taking the time to weigh your options and giving yourself an opportunity to make sure through consultation with friends, family, your inner voice or even a trusted psychic that you have a clear understanding of the decisions you have to make and of how what you decide will affect you and those around you both in the long and short term.

I find that while in the energy of Pisces one has to be careful of spending too much time weighing options as it could lead to standing still where no decision is made and that can lead to difficulties and delays especially if others are depending on you to make a decision. The energy of Pisces is very much like playing the game of chess or the fork in the road on your path of life. It gives you a moment to decide what would be a winning strategy for you at this point in your journey. Patience and time are important when make a decision at this time or at anytime as some decisions are irreversible.

It is important to note that the people who may not be a part of your inner circle might feel the need to weigh in on your decisions, some may have the best of intention and some well I hope only the best for you. Whether you decide to move forward, step back or stand still the choice is always yours.

During this time of Pisces I pray that you will be guided in a way that is right for you and that the choices you make leave you with a since of peace and good will. Blessings and Peace,

Psychic Franco

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