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True Psychics Blog - Visions
By Psychic Ruth

Mind, Body & Soul
Dream Interpretation
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September 10, 2016
When I was 15, I was up late one night reading the typical romance novel so popular with girls that age when I closed my eyes to rest them for a moment.  When I did I saw myself looking through the slats of a dilapidated trappers cabin.  It was like I was really there.  My eyes snapped wide open and I didn't let them close again until I fell deeply asleep.  

The next night reading again, I had completely forgotten about the vision of the night before. Again I let my eyes close and rest for a moment.  This time I saw I was outside and snow was lightly falling on the cross-bar of a cross made out of branches. I immediately started crying because I knew someone had died. Again I read until I just fell asleep.  

The next night, I remembered the two previous evenings and just kept my eyes open until lead weights closed them. 

On the fourth night having escaped the upsetting visions the night before I made the final mistake of resting my eyes while reading late again.  This time I was at treetop level and I was looking for something and thought I found it when I found a "road" of mowed down trees. 

The next day I was at my sister-in-law's place telling her about the very upsetting visions I was having when her younger brother rushed in.  

He asked if we had heard about the plane crash just outside the neighbouring town.  One guy died and they found the other guy in a trappers cabin.  My sister in law was looking right at me when her brother was telling the story.  She saw I went white as a sheet then bright red and then white as a sheet again.  I was greatly relieved to find out I was not actually going crazy and have since gotten used to having visions at all kinds of crazy hours.  

So don't be afraid if you seem to know something and then it happens.  Try to exercise it!  It can come in handy!

Psychic Ruth

Psychic Ruth

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