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True Psychics Blog - Time To Move On
By Psychic Diane

Divine Angel Intervention
Psychic Pacman
Mind, Body & Soul
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September 22, 2016
I had a client that booked me for a private reading. He did not know that I was a medium.

We went about his reading and everything that showed up was pointing to the fact that he had not let go of his crossed over wife. She had been gone for 10 years at the time.

He said he missed her dearly admitting that he could not let her go and he was very lonely.

Instantly her spirit was with me. She showed me two things, a humming bird and the video game of Pac Man.

I see things "clairvoyantly.” The hummingbird's spiritual meaning is ‘go sip the nectar of life.’ She was giving him permission to go live and find someone to live his life with.

Then I was watching the little Pac Man being chased around by the widgit thing like in the game. I described all this to him and asked him how this related to his life.

By this time he was laughing very hard. His response was as follows - when they were dating he told her that she was like the widget and he was like the Pac Man - because she had chased him until she caught him.

Psychic Diane

Psychic Diane

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