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True Psychics Blog - Reclaiming Power Over Your Own Life!
By Psychic Keith

Astrology & Numerology
Mind, Body & Soul
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October 11, 2016
One of the primary goals I personally have in doing this work is to assist people in reclaiming power over their own life.  I have a very direct way of explaining this process to people and though virtually every method I talk about, I have personally used.  The ones I haven’t personally worked with, I have enough feedback to know whether or not they have worked for others.

I have often been asked, “Do you guarantee results?”  Well, my direct, invariable response is “the only thing I will guarantee is that I won’t lie to you to make you feel better unless you ask me to do so.”

With this in mind, the first thing I suggest to you is that you pick whichever goal you desire to attain and write it down in present tense.

For Example: When you desire to increase your household income; write the following.  (where X = your last month’s income, and Y = the current month). “I HAVE LEGALLY ATTAINED A MINIMUM OF “X” DOLLARS BY THE END OF “Y”.

I look forward to hearing from you when you are ready to co-create the reality you desire to live within.


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