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True Psychics Blog - Reclaiming Power Over Your Own Life! Part 2
By Psychic Keith

Astrology & Numerology
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October 25, 2016
The first key to reclaiming power over your own life is to take responsibility for your own words and actions.  This is undoubtedly the most challenging step to take for most people as it requires being honest with yourself.  When you do look in the mirror, ask yourself…. “Am I happy with what I see?” When the answer is no, and rest assured, when you are honest with yourself, you will find something you are not personally content with, then the next step takes place – answer the traditional five (5) “Ws”
WHO:  Your-self.
WHY:  You are not happy with what you see.
WHERE:  Wherever you happen to be right now.
WHEN:  Now
WHAT:  You choose.
And of course, the all-important HOW. It is the question of HOW that I am here to answer.  When you call me I will give you clear and concise directions regarding the steps required to make the changes you personally desire to make, though you will still have to do the necessary work to make your desires a reality.
Although my methods may be unlike anything you have heard before, with over forty (40) years of experience dealing in this field I know I have more than enough insight into the things that are going on around you to help sort through the most conflicted issue you may be facing at this time.

I look forward to working with you to help you reclaim power over your own life in the near future.


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