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True Psychics Blog -The Haunting of Anne of Green Gables
By Psychic Diane

GhosT encounters
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November 21, 2016
The ghost of the Performing Arts Center where I worked for 9 years had a great sense of humour. Usually his pranks were annoying but funny.

 The cast and crew had moved in for a 2 week run of the classic play Anne of Green Gables. There were of course many children involved in  the production. The boys had the upstairs dressing room. The girls  were assigned to the main floor dressing room.

One evening about an hour before the show started as I walked across  the stage I heard screaming coming from the staircase going up to the boys dressing room. Eight boys came streaming out the door on to the stage scared out of their minds.  Some were crying, some were  screaming. As I was the manager they came running to me.

It took some time to get the story out, as they were so upset. One of the boys  asked me if there was a ghost in the theatre. The rest of the boys echoed his question. My thoughts were to make them laugh to take the edge off, so my response was "oh sure every theatre has a ghost”. The  statement  gave me the desired result. It made them laugh and calmed  them down. I asked the oldest, calmest one to take me up to the dressing room and explain what had happened.

When we got to the room everything was as it should be. The boy explained that they were all getting dressed and they were waiting for make up and hair when they heard a loud knocking noise in the bathroom, then the noise drifted into the main room. It started at one end of the room and went around the room and then repeated.

This dressing room is on the second floor approximately 20 feet up from ground level. It is also on an exterior wall that is brick. This noise was coming from behind the mirrors which were all along the 2 interior walls, again, behind that is an exterior wall. There is no space between the walls. The noise was described as loud knocking  which kept going from mirror to mirror. There is no way that anyone could have made this happen.

I went down stairs and by that time the director had the boys calmed down. I went up to the sound booth and had a little chat with the ghost. Yes, I could communicate with him. We had developed a relationship of sorts.  I had been working there many years by then and he had done many pranks by this time but this was the first time that he had done something to small children. The teenagers thought is was fascinating but the small kids were unaware of his presence unti that night. My chat was more like a mother's scolding. I was very upset that he had done this to kids so I told him to smarten up and he never bother the children again. The high school drama kids was another story.

Psychic Diane

Psychic Diane

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