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True Psychics Blog - Change
By Psychic Keith

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July 27, 2016
There is a saying that goes “if you don’t like your horoscope, read a different paper”.  Though this is true to a degree there is something to explain.  The reason that Newspaper Astrology is so ambiguous is because almost all astrologers use the basic Sun sign to calculate your horoscope.  This means the focus on where the Sun was when you were born.  However because the location of the Earth changes a great deal, even in just one week.  With this in mind, the Astrologer has to be rather ambiguous.

Every journey begins with a single step, and from what I have come to understand over the years, that first step is invariably made (metaphorically) looking in the mirror and deciding that something in your life requires change.

You may not know how to make the change, nor what the change has to be, but you know a change is necessary.  The simple fact that you are looking at doing anything, whether you came up with the idea in the first place or not, tells you that the change is required, and that you are aware of the necessity for change.

In general there are two basic reasons you may be calling me. 
1)      To confirm that the change you feel is necessary really is, and if it is necessary, how to go about implementing the change in the most effective fashion.
2)      To find out what change in your life is necessary and how to go about implementing that change in the most effective fashion as you simply know that something is not right.

In any event, when you call me, you are ready for the change and (at least subconsciously) you are ready for it now.  With this in mind, you can certainly count on me to be very honest about what “I” see you are facing, though you may not like what I see, nor agree with it.  However, in all cases I will still be honest with you, though in all likelihood I will more direct than you are expecting.

For those that are in that mind-set, there is ONLY ONE THING that I will absolutely guarantee.


Respectfully Yours - Psychic Keith

Psychic Keith

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