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True Psychics Blog - Karmic Law
By Psychic Keith

Karmic Law
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February 11, 2016
Karmic Law #1 – Be True to yourself first.

Essentially this means, that once you have some experience behind you that it is imperative you follow your own morals/instincts when dealing with life. Please understand that another karmic guideline is that you must follow the laws of the land in which you living. This particular guideline is critical to understand, especially for the people that are not yet living in their own home that they are able to set the rules for.

For those of you that are still living at home, please understand that you may not like the rules of the house, but you still have to follow them. This is just like the owners of the house, or the renters, may not like the rules of the community in which they are living, but they still have to follow them.

Remember, when you are considering doing something, be sure it feels right. This simply means that it is something that you can stand up and proudly say, I did this. Clearly this must be within reason.

In essence focus on doing the things feel right to you, and that you can be proud of.

Karmic Law #2
Do Unto Others as You Desire Them to do Unto You.

Regardless of what you are considering doing, treat others as you personally desire them to treat you.

If you desire people to:
• be honest with you, be honest with them.
• respect you, respect them.
• Help you, help them.
• Talk to you, talk to them.

If you desire people NOT to:
• Cheat on you, don’t cheat on them
• Lie to you, don’t lie to them
• Steal from you, don’t steal from them.
• Deliberately hurt you, don’t deliberately hurt them

The list of examples goes on. This is the basic principle of Karmic Law #2

Karmic Law #3 – Energy Out, Energy In.
Energy Out, Energy In

What this really means is that what you put effort into is what you co-create. Please understand that just talking or thinking about changes that you feel are necessary, does not in and of itself make it a reality.

Talking about Peace will not make it happen if you don’t put your weapons down. Talking about changing your weight, appearance, etc, will not make it happen if you don’t physically do something.

Talking about putting gas in your car will not make it happen if you don’t go and get the gas. Yes it is imperative you think and talk about changes that you desire to make, but then it is absolutely necessary to get up and make the changes happen. This is the principle of Energy Out, Energy In.

Respectfully Yours - Psychic Keith

Psychic Keith

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