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True Psychics Blog - Runes... A lost art of divining
By Psychic Diane

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December 13, 2016
The craft of reading Runes for the purpose of knowing your life path is known as an ancient Viking Oracle. The art of divining with Runes is over 400 years old. In the beginning they were used in a ritual function. It was thought that they could evoke higher powers.

The word "oracle" comes from the Latin verb ōrāre "to speak" refers to the priest or priestess predictions. Oracles were thought to be portals through which the gods spoke directly to people. They were different from seers who interpreted signs sent by the gods through bird, nature and animal signs, as well as other various methods.

Runes are usually made out of wood or small clay tiles. Each of the 24 or 25 runes are engraved or stamped with different ancient symbols that have different meanings. They are usually kept in a bag where the user can pick them out unseen, creating the reading. Like a Tarot reading the runes can be used for different spreads to find answers that you seek. The Runes do not give instructions on what to do in your situation nor do they actually predict the future. They are used more to point out what your fears, thoughts, and how to recognize how to move forward. They can be used to help direct you by drawing attention to the issues at hand. Its like being able to tap into your subconscious mind.

I am always truly amazed at my Rune readings as they are extremely accurate at getting to what is really going on within the clients subconscious. The things that the client is hiding, unaware of or suppressing. This can be very helpful in helping the client move forward by addressing the issues that are holding the client back. They are truly mystical.

Psychic Diane

Psychic Diane

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