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True Psychics Blog - A Psychic's Intuition
By Psychic Faye

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August 26, 2016
Instinct and that ‘feeling in your gut’ is something all of us are gifted with. Some of us pay close attention to it and nurture it and others just dismiss the ‘feeling’ as something that will pass.

I have become acutely aware of that ‘gut feeling’ and make sure to pay close attention anytime it overcomes me… and I’m lucky I do.

Three years ago, I had a feeling deep down that I just couldn’t ignore. It was telling me to get in touch with my mother… right away!

I decided to Skype my mother immediately.

Mom is staying with my brother overseas so I called and my nephew answered. We exchanged a quick ‘hello’ but I asked him almost right away if he could get Mom and bring her to the call. He yelled out to Mom but she did not answer. This was strange to him so he decided to go to her room - and to his surprise, he saw my Mom lying on the floor unconscious. Mom had passed out and couldn’t breath.

They immediately rushed her to the hospital. Luckily, she was able to recover over the next couple of weeks but she gave us quite a scare. At her advanced age, broken bones are a very real possibility. Thankfully, this was not the case and Mom recovered fully.

My brother is a very sceptical person by nature and doesn’t believe in psychics at all but this incident with Mom has changed the way he looks at things.

He was truly amazed how strongly I felt that Mom needed help and that I was able to call at almost the exact moment Mom had fallen unconscious.

He thanked me immensely and told the rest of my siblings not to doubt the ‘gift’ of feeling/instinct that I have because if it wasn’t for me, Mom would surely have died that night.

I'm looking forward to speaking with you - Psychic Faye

Psychic Keith

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