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True Psychics Blog - Wilma's Story - A Voice From Beyond
By Psychic Franco

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August 26, 2016
It is really hard to lose someone you love, especially after so many years of spending time together, doing the simple and fun things like going out to dinner or a movie, going to church, sitting on the porch watching the sunset or just chatting on the phone.

Our lives can get so busy and time can move so fast that when you don’t get a chance to connect with those you love in life you think there is always tomorrow - and if not then, maybe the next day? None of us are promised another day and it might never come for the one you love.

I think the pain of loss comes from no longer being able to physically interact with people who have been in our lives forever. You never think that someone you know and love is going to leave you until the day comes and they do.

Do the ones we love really leave us when they die? I used to think so, but, in recent years I have had a few experiences that have made me believe quite differently.

I met Wilma G. in the spring of 1995. She and I worked in administration together for a couple of years, we got used to working together and then suddenly we were separated. She was no longer working for the company but we remained friends for twelve years.

We would get together for our birthdays and Christmas every year. Wilma G., was retired so she spent part of the year in Florida. We would have dinner together just before she would leave at Christmas and when she returned in the summer just before my birthday. It was a wonderful time and continued on for many years until the spring of 2009.

Wilma G. was gone - she had passed away on the 6th of May 2009. No one told me that Wilma had returned from Florida and no one told me that she had passed away.

It was a spring day in May and as usual I began to think about getting together with Wilma G. and having our annual dinner. I decided to check my email and that’s when my life changed. There was an email from a member of my church stating that Wilma had passed away a few days ago and that her funeral was going to be in the morning. I don’t usually check my email very often but something told me to do it on that day. I believe it was Wilma. She knew that I was thinking about her and she wanted to let me know she was gone. Wilma knew that I needed a chance to say goodbye. As luck would have it I was able to get my best friend to take me to the funeral home to see Wilma for one last time.

In the car own the way there I was thinking about Wilma and missing her, I started to think about her and wondered if she was in any pain or if she suffered. As we drove to the funeral home (which was in the little village outside of the town where I lived) a steady rain began, during this time one of my all time favorite songs by Jimmy Cliff, was playing on the radio all I remember are these words .

I can see clearly now the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way,
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind,
It's gonna be a bright (bright),
Bright (bright) sunshiny day,
It's gonna be a bright (bright),
Bright (bright) sunshiny day,
Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone,
All of the bad feelings have disappeared,
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for,
It's gonna be a bright (bright),
Bright (bright) sunshiny day,
Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies,
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies,

While hearing this song on the radio, the rain stopped and there was a rainbow. I know that this song was Wilma’s way of reaching out to me and letting me know that she had come through the pain and the suffering of her illness and that she was no longer in any pain. She was describing to me in the only way she could what she knew to be heaven.

Wilma has been gone in the physical sense for six years now but she is still with me and I am reminded of her presence whenever I hear the song.

It is true that we will all lose those we love physically and it will be painful to not be able to touch them, but I have learned that if we spend time thinking about them - paying attention with our eyes, ears and all of our senses - those we have loved and lost will reach out and touch us in ways we could never imagine and let us know they are not gone but alive and well.

Psychic Franco

Psychic Keith

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