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True Psychics Blog - Spirituality
By Psychic Keith

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November 23, 2015

Spirituality – the Basics

Spirituality is something that everyone is born with.

Although there is life within the womb, it is not until the umbilical chord is severed that the full personality, as brought in through the spirit of life, can finally be recognized by the child. The reason for this is that until this point in time, the child’s true spiritual awareness is often overshadowed by the mother’s own spiritual concepts.

Cultural influences and upbringing do play a major part in one’s expression of their spiritual perspective, however they have nothing to do with Spirituality itself.

Spirituality is a knowingness of the truth, of what is right and wrong. It is one’s natural ability to connect (and interact) with the world/energies around us. This innate knowingness is shared by all, regardless of their nationality, race, sexual orientation, gender, point of origin, age, attire, religious/corporate affiliation, etc.

When you listen with your heart you will invariably be guided to a positive way of interacting with the world around you to the benefit of as many people/things as possible. The concept of war will be replaced with a drive for peace as the soul/spirit in everyone seeks a peaceful co-existence with all things…and this is very possible.

To be clear, one does not require a religious doctrine of any form to be spiritual. For those of you that are analytically inclined, the concepts of spirituality are seated in the right hemisphere of the brain, hence why it often seems that those with restricted logical processing capabilities SEEM to be more spiritually aware. This is also why those with a strong creative side SEEM to have an accelerated ability to sense things beyond the logical 5 senses. However, EVERYONE has the capacity to do this.

The Spiritual aspect of people draws them together int a mutually beneficial community where peaceful co-existence is the norm. Something to keep in mind is that just because some cultures are more technologically evolved, this does not make them more Spiritual aware.

Spirituality vs Religion

With the major changes that are taking place in the world today, it is imperative that people realize that there is a great difference between Spirituality and Religion. As I do remember many of my past lives…and more importantly, many strangers remember my past lives and have confirmed this to me and to others…..I can clearly state from my heart…that the vast majority of people have clearly missed the point of both of these perspectives.

In simplest terms: Spirituality is your natural connection ALL other things that you are born with. Religion is the doctrine and rituals that you are TAUGHT by another being.

With this in mind, people can be “Spiritual & Religious” or “Spiritual or Religious”. Please keep in mind that whether or not you go to a Religious/Ceremonial location, has no bearing on whether or not you are Spiritual.  What matters is how you treat other people. Certainly it is right and just to encourage others to join you in your beliefs and subsequent ceremonies.  However, it is neither just nor right to condemn another for not following your lead.  Remember the very old guidance as is taught in virtually every teaching I have looked into throughout my many remembered lifetimes and interactions with other races: “Do Unto Others As You Desire Them To Do Unto You!”

Watch for further insight into these two topics and so many more.  Please feel free to ask questions as it is through questioning that true understanding and wisdom are attained.

Spirituality and Where it Fits in Life

Spirituality – It is time to focus on the things around the world that are happening and literally start with the concept   “I CHOOSE PEACE”.

I have studied spirituality in the real world all my life, and as such I have found I talk to people from virtually every religion. All of them have the same problems, the same concerns, the same types of misunderstandings. I have even dealt with many off-worlders and ancient races, and though the look different than Humans, they still have the same concerns.

Remember…the purpose of communication is to find a way to get along with everyone around you, and yes..that does take effort from both sides. Closing doors and locking access points, chasing people away from you, is NOT the answer.

It is time to take care of yourself and your neighbor, before adding to the problem by ignoring what is going on. When talking to me, I will do my best to guide you in finding that common ground that is being over-looked, thus helping you to co-create a better world for all.

Spiritual Awakening

I had a client recently that called me for guidance regarding a relationship problem. In a nutshell they had been hurt and were looking to retaliate. When I told them I could understand their anger, but the path they were considering was Spiritually NOT the right road, they immediately told me they were NOT interested in the SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE, I immediately told them that they were definitely talking to the wrong Psychic.

Please understand, although I may agree with your Human/Ego-based feelings, when you come to me for Guidance, I will guide you down the path that is Spiritually the best path for you. Sometimes this may take you down the path you are considering, which says you are on the right path, sometimes I will guide you to change your path to something more actively peaceful.

There is more than enough ego-based anger in this world and it is my self-accepted task to guide you to a way to a more peaceful and prosperous future. I will do my best to guide you to put the past to rest and really focus on the future and making it brighter by changing the world around you in the here-and-now.

This road may be challenging for you, but the rewards are more than worth it. It is time to reclaim power over your own life, and I have returned to guide you in the best way possible at this time to accomplish this feat.


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