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True Psychics Blog - The Christmas Spirit
By Psychic Keith

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December 25, 2015
There is something special about this time of year that transcends even the most complicated perspective in life. For some unstated reason, most people from all walks of life, regardless of their heritage, race, or background etc, strive to be nicer to each other.

Regardless of the religious background of an individual, there is something about the Spirit of Christmas that makes life that much more apparent. I say this as I have seen people from all religions behave in a more generous way than usual, even when they clearly don’t believe in celebrating Christmas in any form.

It is through this spirit that we are guided to help each other just a little more than usual, to be a little more forgiving, or just a little gentler to ourselves. Now is the time to really look to the future and focus on the things that are really important; the intangible things. Now is the time to focus on the feeling of Christmas, and do what you can to set the pace so it carries on throughout the future days.

This is just one of the things I strive to help people see when they are dealing with their own troubles so that they can find a way to reclaim power over their own life and the situations they are facing.


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