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Sunday October 16, 2022

Daily Horoscope

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When things get complicated between members of your social circle, remember you are not the one that has to bring them into balance. However, your input in a non-biased, diplomatic fashion is likely to point them in the direction of a positive balance. When approached with an offer to participate in a joint project, it is wise to seriously consider all angles of what this may entail.


When offered the opportunity to work longer hours at work, it may be in your best interest to turn the option down, as there is a lot more going on in the home front at this time than you may be aware of. With mental acuity running as clearly as it is at this point, you have an opportune time to put your part of the negative past with that special someone to rest, so make the most of the opportunity to do so.


The new information garnered through a conversation with a co-worker gets you thinking seriously about your future, especially regarding your education. Be sure to double check the fine print on all contracts and agreements that you are considering at this point, as there are many more opportunities coming your direction than you may be aware of.


A complication at work brought about by technological issues draws you into an impromptu meeting with other staff members. This is an excellent time to bond together for an improved working environment. When drawn into an impromptu meeting with your boss, make the most of the opportunity to have your concerns voiced.


This is an excellent time to enlist the assistance of those close to you in order to put your negative past to rest once and for all. The unexpected inclusion of members of your social circle during an interesting conversation with that special someone brings new insights and thus sets the stage for much greater prosperity than you are expecting.


The unexpected return of a longstanding connection brings about cause for celebration and a welcome distraction from the stresses you have been dealing with. This is a time of great healing, so be sure to keep your own priorities in order as you put the negative past to rest. The input of a virtual stranger helps you see a much clearer connection between your goals and the goals of those close to you.


You are likely to find today that the feeling of the energy of your primary living space is far more important than the appearance of it. This is an excellent time to dispose of the excess clutter that you no longer require in your life. However, be absolutely certain you do not dispose of stuff that really does have emotional import to you.


This is your time to really look at the future you desire to co-create, and then talk to that special someone about the plans you have for your combined future before committing to a new path. Take the time to consider the outcome of a complicated journey you are planning on embarking upon before setting out, as there are more complications that are likely to arrive than you are expecting.  


As chaos seems to rein around you, you are likely to find you are far more focused on the outcomes than many of the other people around you. Make the most of the opportunity to relax with that special someone and/or those close to you once things settle down. With your energy running high coupled with mental acuity, you are likely to find you get a lot more accomplished at this point than you are expecting.  


This is clearly your time to shine, so step into the spotlight and make the most of the opportunity when it presents itself. It is wise to accept unsolicited assistance from those in your social circle when it is presented to you. Forgotten information is brought back to the surface as old cluttered is moved out of the way and disposed of.


This is your time to shine, so make the most of the opportunity to do so, especially when complications arise due to technological complications at work. Before progressing any further down your life out, be sure to plan the steps out at least in point form and discuss the options with that special someone.


Although your stubborn streak is likely to come to the surface in a very profound way, it is wise to bite your tongue and stick to the quantifiable facts when dealing with a person of authority. This is clearly your time to shine, so make the most of it, especially when sharing quality time with that special someone after a very hectic period.